How to Choose Home Computer Repair

by | Nov 18, 2021

It’s upsetting when a home computer breaks down: “My whole life is on there!” Then, you have to trust someone to take care of your device. It’s a lot to ask, and that’s why we’re sharing these five tips to help you feel better about your choice of repair person.

#1 Avoid the Big Brands

The big-box stores have name recognition, which may make you feel more secure, but the reason they advertise on TV and have big storefronts is to sell stuff. Their people are salespeople first, and their staff are not going to be as experienced with computer and device repair.

For tricky jobs, the big-box stores send your device to a remote, centralized location. That’s where the experienced staff are, so it’s good in that way. Yet you’ll now have to wait for your computer to ship to and from that location, which can mean a couple of weeks when you don’t know where your computer is or who is working on it.

#2 Consult Customer Reviews

You’ll probably start out by asking family, friends, and co-workers to suggest someone they’ve worked within the past. When you’re looking around for computer repair, read online reviews. Customer reviews can help you gauge whether you can trust the service promises.

You may also learn about any after-service support. It will help to have someone you can ask questions of in the future.

#3 Research Types of Support

It may help you to make your decision knowing that any work on your device is going to be done on-site. If they come to you, you’ll get to meet the person doing the work and keep an eye on them if you want.

Another option may be to have the IT tech remote into your computer to help solve your problem.

Then, there’s the option of drop-off and pickup from that repair shop’s own brick-and-mortar store. If you take this route, you might want to ask whether your device will remain on-site at all times.

You’ll also want to find out if that computer repair person has a particular area of expertise. Some companies specialize in working with certain brands, whereas others can handle all types of models or brands.

#4 Don’t Select by Price Alone

Who doesn’t love a bargain? But the cheapest computer repair may not actually be a better deal. Taking the budget approach, you could get an inexperienced tech with slightly more know-how than you. On the other hand, going for the most expensive repair company doesn’t guarantee the greatest service either. Ask the computer business what their experience is.

#5 Ask about Service Guarantee

Speaking of guaranteeing service, look for a service guarantee. A reputable repair company won’t charge you if they fail to fix your device.

They should also be able to cost out whether it makes more sense to make the fix or just replace the computer.

Our IT experts are here to help you repair any computer issues. We can work on-site, remote in, or you can bring your device to us for the professional attention it needs. Call us today at 931-542-9327!

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