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IT Documentation
Don’t Play Games with Privacy: What Is DuckDuckGo?
You may remember playing Duck, Duck, Goose on the playground when you were young. But have you heard of DuckDuckGo? Many haven’t. So, we thought we’d share an introduction to this privacy-focused search engine.
How to Prevent Password Spraying Attacks
Bad cyber actors are what the kids these days would call “try hards.” They do everything they can think of to get into your accounts. One tactic is password spraying. In case you don’t know about it, this article gives the basics and shares strategies to prevent this type of attack.
On-premises Software “Ownership” vs. The Cloud
Cloud computing is common in business. Yet there are some who remain skeptical. One of the sticking points is that the business doesn’t own the software it is using in the cloud. This can cause concern, but this article helps you weigh up the options.
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