After 20+ years in business, Ingram Technology is closing the retail side of our business.
We will not longer support walk-in or onsite computer services for residential or businesses.
We are only maintaining select businesses on our Managed I.T. Services. This will be our business model for the forseeable future. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us or call (931) 542-9327
We will be happy to help in anyway as you transition to a new provider.
How Secure is Cloud Data?
Data security is a common concern when migrating to the cloud. When data is on-premises, the business secures the sensitive data, and that feels safer. But that isn’t always the case. In fact, data can be safer in the cloud than on-site at your business.
What Internet Explorer’s Retirement Means for You
There was no big retirement party; no one got a watch or engraved memorabilia. Yet Microsoft retired Internet Explorer on June 15, 2022.
Automated Data Backups Still Need Management
Your business is backing up its data in case of cyberattack or other disastrous disruption. Yes, you can pat yourself on the back for that, but don’t get too complacent with backing up. Automated backup still needs monitoring and management.
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