EndPoint Management
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EndPoint Security
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IT Documentation
Stop Your Tech from Stalking You
Unless you’re a reality television star, you probably don’t like the idea of being watched at all times. So, why would you want your technology to know all about you? With digital technology today, it’s far too easy for our devices to turn creepy. Here are some suggestions to stop the stalker-like tendencies of the technology you rely upon.
Lessons Learned from an Oil Pipeline Ransomware Attack
Your business may not be supplying oil to the United States, and you may not even be in the critical infrastructure business, but don’t think that means ransomware can’t happen to you, too. This article shares lessons learned from a headline-grabbing event, and they’re applicable to businesses of all sizes in all industries.
What You Need to Know about Web App Security
There’s an app for that! Even for business purposes, you can bet this is the case. Yet a small business may be using online applications without understanding the risks. Here’s help.
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