News & Blog Post
Protecting Your Customers and Your Business Too
Almost every day we hear about a large corporation getting hacked and all of their customer details were leaked. Ask yourself, what customer data do you need to collect in your business?
OK Google, How Safe Are You Really?
Do you use a smart home assistant like Siri, Google, or Alexa? They are convenient, but the question is how safe is it to have an open microphone in your home? In this article we talk about the privacy concerns of home assistants.
Protecting Your Customers and Your Business Too
Security and privacy are at the very top of our priorities when considering business IT.
Keeping Control of Your Business with Office 365
Office 365 represents a complete shift in the way we interact with modern business computing. If you haven’t been introduced to it yet, now could be the time.
OK Google, How Safe Are You Really?
Are you prompting Siri, Google, or Alexa? When you talk a home assistant, you join a growing number of smart homes. Smart home assistants search online, start phone calls, order groceries, play music, turn lights on. All with a single spoken command. Research into how...
Remote IT Will Create Tech That Works for You
There are few things as frustrating as IT issues getting in the way of your work.
Is There A Safe Way to Use The Cloud?
Ten years ago ‘the cloud’ was jargon almost nobody was aware of, today it is a phrase used almost daily in offices worldwide.
What Can An MSP Do to Kickstart Your Business?
Business today relies on technology in a way which we have never seen before. It makes up the core of almost every firm currently in existence.
Has Your Email Been Hijacked?
Are you receiving replies to emails you didn’t send? Your email account might have been hijacked.