EndPoint Management
Zero Trust
Network Security
EndPoint Security
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IT Documentation
Beware These Social Media Scams
Huntington Volvo? Rowe Subaru? What will your hilarious quiz results be when you enter your fourth-grade teacher’s name and first model of car? You may think it’s silly entertainment … until it isn’t. Many fun social media questionnaires are set up by hackers to steal your identity.
ZTNA Is Possible for Small Businesses
ZTNA is an adaptive, context-based way to offer remote-worker access. Developed in 2010, zero trust security sees trust as a vulnerability. Trust undermines vigilance, according to ZTNA’s creator. Instead ZTNA has three key ideas
What to Do If You’re a Ransomware Victim
You’ll know if you’re a victim of ransomware. Often you’re met with a red screen telling you your business files are encrypted. You won’t be able to do anything on the computer, although the cybercriminals will provide helpful instructions for how to pay up. How nice. Here’s what to do instead if you’re the victim of a ransomware attack.
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