After 20+ years in business, Ingram Technology is closing the retail side of our business.
We will not longer support walk-in or onsite computer services for residential or businesses.
We are only maintaining select businesses on our Managed I.T. Services. This will be our business model for the forseeable future. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us or call (931) 542-9327
We will be happy to help in anyway as you transition to a new provider.
PSSST… Are You Protected Against Leakware?
Cybercriminals have a new tactic. Encrypting your data and extorting money. The threat? They’ll make your stolen, sensitive information public otherwise. Leakware can put your business and its employees, customers or citizens at risk. There are ways to fortify your defenses. Learn more!
Are You at the Tipping Point for IT Disaster?
There’s a data breach. Computers crash. Backup fails. Everyone scrambles to recover. Too many businesses turn to a managed services provider after something goes wrong. We’d prefer to be proactive and help you avoid an IT disaster. Are you nearing the tipping point?
Don’t Get Hooked By a Whaling Attack
You’ve likely heard of phishing attacks. Phishers use scam emails or spoofed websites to obtain user credentials or financial information. This might be an email that looks like it is from your bank asking you to log in and update your details, or a supposed tax alert needing immediate action.
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