Pushing Send? Know that Email Is Not Secure

Pushing Send? Know that Email Is Not Secure

Sending an email is convenient and quick, but when it comes to confidential data, you’re better off choosing another method of delivery, one that doesn’t have as many potential points of access for an ill-intentioned actor.

6 Reasons to Replace Your ISP Email

6 Reasons to Replace Your ISP Email

When you sign up for an internet service, the provider will hook you up with an email address, too. Your internet service provider (ISP) wants to keep you connected to them. But this convenient email address isn’t always the best long-term solution for you.

Do You Copy? What Can Go Wrong with BCC

Do You Copy? What Can Go Wrong with BCC

When you use CC, it’s like you’ve imprinted your message on an old blue sheet of carbon paper. The email copy sends to your To recipients as well as anyone you have CC’d. All recipients can see who else you sent your message to. This is a great way to encourage collaboration and accountability.