by Matt Ingram | Sep 28, 2021 | Blog
You want to keep your IT in top shape. Your business technology supports both your productivity and profitability. You don’t want to be dealing with downtime. You also want to avoid running afoul of any industry regulations or standards. But how does a business gauge IT fitness? That’s where IT audits, security assessments and penetration testing come in.
by Matt Ingram | Apr 8, 2021 | Blog
Or throw it, or stand on it, or expect it to withstand any serious impact. OK, that’s pretty obvious.
by Matt Ingram | Jan 21, 2021 | Blog
That smile of relief when we fix someone’s technology is a gift of doing IT service. When we get a call out, we’re happy to go out (or log in remotely) to fix what’s broken. We enjoy getting our customers back up and running quickly. Who said saving the day is only for superheroes, right?
by Matt Ingram | Jan 7, 2021 | Blog
Making New Year’s resolutions is a familiar habit in the Western world. Many people make resolutions relating to their physical or mental health. Fortunately, in our digital world, technology can help make resolutions more attainable.
by Matt Ingram | Jan 7, 2020 | Blog
We do a lot of shopping at the end of the year. Whether you shop online or in stores, you’re asked to provide your email address when you buy, which multiplies the number of mailing lists you’re on. Don’t start the new year deluged by unwanted newsletters and advertising emails.