by Matt Ingram | Jan 18, 2022 | Blog
It’s inevitable that we’ll retire old devices to upgrade to the latest and greatest. A new laptop, desktop, or phone is exciting. Yet, before you get too distracted by your shiny, new device, take the time to safely retire the old one.
by Matt Ingram | Jul 22, 2021 | Blog
When you’ve upgraded to a new computer, the old one is a bit of an albatross. You paid good money for that desktop or laptop, and you want to continue to see return on investment. Plus, disposing of that technology feels wasteful. It’s not as if a computer is going to compost itself! To help, we’ve provided seven solid ideas for how to repurpose your old, extra computers.
by Matt Ingram | Jun 24, 2012 | Services, Services - Business, Services - Residential
Free Electronics Recycling Whether you believe in global warming or global cooling or global trotters, one thing we can agree on is that we need to be good stewards of our environment. That is why we offer free electronics recycling. Desktop PCs Apple Mac...